Infographic about stopping skin aging

How to stop skin aging (The Best Ways)

The anti-aging of the skin is a very interesting subject to study. One of the most important vitamins in this regard is vitamin A, which in its active form is called Retinol. However, this vitamin is not alone with respect to aging. Vitamin C is also important, in addition to the role played by certain proteins, hormones and nutrition in general.

Why is Rose Hip Oil good?

It contains high levels of vitamin A, which helps to reduce the evolution of wrinkles and symptoms of skin aging. In addition to that, it also contains vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant, reducing the levels of free radicals in the skin.

What other plants and ingredients contain high levels of vitamin A? Carrot oil, apricot kernel oil, intake of fatty oils from fish, liver, eggs, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, etc.

What are antioxidants for?

When cells become oxidized, it can cause disease, reduce regeneration and cause aging. Antioxidants help to reduce the oxidation of cells. To achieve this, a diet high in antioxidants or the use of specific supplements can be used. Some antioxidant foods include the following:

  • Red fruits: blueberries and blackberries are among the red fruits with more antioxidants. Blackberries in particular, have very positive effects to reduce cell aging and there are studies that show improvements in the cardiovascular system. Other fruits such as raspberries or black cherries, which also have high levels of antioxidants and vitamin C, should not be forgotten.
  • Fruits with vitamin C: Kiwi, Guava, strawberries, oranges, mangoes, pineapple, papaya, etc. They provide high amounts of this type of vitamin that acts as an antioxidant.
  • Walnuts and almonds: Walnuts contain fatty acids, as well as vitamin E, which also helps reduce cell oxidation. In addition to the above, they are good for the digestive system, which I will talk about in another chapter about it and how it affects longevity.
  • Some vegetables have high levels of antioxidants: broccoli, spinach and kale contain quite a lot of antioxidants and are even used for specific supplements to maximize antioxidant intake. In some countries, broccoli extracts are even used as a way to fight pollution that is breathed or eaten.

What is Retinol and how can I supplement with it?

It is a form of vitamin A, which has important functions in skin regeneration, vision, the immune system and during pregnancy. The aesthetic companies also market it in synthetic form, however, it is also possible to find it in natural creams that are made with natural oils such as the aforementioned rosehip oil. In addition to retinol creams, it is also possible to supplement with retinol capsules. The price of synthetic retinol creams ranges from $8 to $90, with many of them costing approximately  $20.

Foods with Retinol: beef liver is a meat with high levels of vitamin A, as well as cod liver oil and eggs.

Does sunbathing age?

UVB and UVA rays can damage the skin and negatively affect genetic material. At certain ages, the skin no longer regenerates in the same way, so sunburn can cause wrinkles and skin blemishes, with less chance of repair. We only have to observe how our ancestors used to protect themselves from the sun when they worked in agriculture and livestock farming. People who genetically have darker skin are more resistant to these types of disadvantages of sunbathing.

Source: Sun and Skin | The National Institutes of Health (

However, in my personal opinion (which is not advice) sunbathing is absolutely necessary, the more days the better, to balance our hormone levels and mood. As long as, however, it is at advisable hours and without overdoing it.

Cell regeneration and sleep.

Growth hormone and cortisol are closely related to sleep. A good quality of sleep makes the cells regenerate better, because the growth hormone gets a better stimulation. So we could conclude that people who sleep poorly, age in a worse way. The fact of sleeping few hours, also provokes increases of cortisol, which generates greater stress and greater aging.

Informing myself in a self-taught way, I have discovered that old jobs such as farmers, teachers or priests, are the ones with the best sleep quality. While those related to transportation such as truck drivers, cab drivers, machinists, etc., sleep worse. They sleep the worst. Telemarketers and firefighters are also on the list of professions with the worst sleep quality. Doctors, nurses and other health care workers who work on call or work excessive hours should not be forgotten either. It is really a bit paradoxical that the same health specialists have very negative habits for it.

How to stimulate growth hormone naturally?

  • Sleep well.
  • Do not overdo it with sugar.
  • Practice intermittent fasting.
  • Exercise (better if it is of high intensity).
  • Eat dinner moderately and not too late.
  • Eat eggs, fish and dairy products (yogurt or cheese).

What hormones affect skin aging?

Estrogens and testosterone: estrogens have been shown to be good for the skin, according to some studies. When women enter menopause and lose a large percentage of them, skin wrinkles appear to a greater extent. Estrogens cause more collagen and elastin to be produced. There are legal supplements to obtain a greater balance of estrogens in women. Regarding testosterone, it can have similar but less noticeable effects. That is why there are facial treatments related to try to preserve more estrogen and testosterone.

Growth hormone, also called GH: during aging, these hormones can decrease, causing skin regeneration to be of a lower quality. The result is increased appearance of wrinkles and reduced hydration.

Melatonin: this hormone fights aging by scavenging free radicals. In other words, it has antioxidant functions. Some studies argue that a melatonin treatment, from the age of 40, can slow down skin aging. Since from that age onwards, a notable decrease in melatonin is observed. However, the benefits would not be unique in the skin, but also in other factors related to longevity. Warning: some studies also show health disadvantages for the use of melatonin supplementation.

Cortisol: high levels of cortisol can hinder skin cell renewal and cause more wrinkles. Since it causes an alteration of neuropeptides. There are several habits, techniques and supplements to reduce cortisol, which I will tell you about below.

How to reduce cortisol levels?

The ways to lower cortisol are very varied. There are natural ways to lower cortisol and other more “laboratory” ways. In the following list you will see that they are very different from each other.

  • Sleep well: the quality of sleep is essential to have good cortisol levels.
  • Natural supplements: such as Ashwagandha, Rhodiola or green tea can help to level it. However, it is advisable to be aware of the contraindications and not to abuse them. For example, green tea has sometimes made me nervous because of the theine, which is molecularly like caffeine.
  • Avoid toxic relationships and socialize: avoid friends and partners who behave in a toxic way. Having a pet or social support is positive for good cortisol levels.
    Relaxation techniques: meditation, yoga, massage, breathing techniques or going to spas are ways that can reduce cortisol naturally. Scientific studies show that yoga can reduce cortisol. Outdoor walks, such as mountain or coastal sports, can also improve cortisol levels.
  • Stop eating junk food: food with high levels of sugar or fast food, in addition to causing illness can also cause increases in cortisol. However, foods with magnesium, omega-3 and fiber, can improve cortisol levels in the blood. Such as nuts, legumes or fish, eaten on a regular basis.
  • Cortisol-lowering drugs: ketoconazole or pasireotide are prescribed by some doctors for certain diseases or conditions related to high cortisol levels.

Does Aloe Vera really work?

It is likely that there is still no scientific evidence that Aloe Vera delays skin aging. However, it contains properties that help to take better care of it, something that never hurts. Generally, it is used for wound healing and to reduce inflammation.

Aloe Vera is a plant rich in vitamins, so it is a natural way to apply Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Also folic acid, which helps cell repair. However, some ways of applying it or for some skin types, it can even cause irritation. One way that has worked for me is to use Aloe Vera with Tea Tree instead of Aloe Vera alone. That way I have been able to get more moisturizing properties and it doesn’t leave my skin red.

Collagen to prevent skin aging.

Collagen is a protein that has important functions in the skin. It is also important for other parts of the body, such as tendons, muscles, blood vessels, intestines, bones and ligaments. With age, collagen production decreases, so the skin loses firmness and more wrinkles appear. Bad habits, such as smoking or alcohol, also negatively affect collagen generation.

To date, collagen supplementation has proven to be good for joints and injuries, however, for the skin, experts recommend that it is better to have a diet rich in everything necessary for the formation of these proteins. The collagen supplement with the best reviews is hydrolyzed collagen. According to a study by the University of Valladolid, it is likely to have positive effects in reducing skin aging.

Best foods to produce collagen: lean meat, eggs, nuts, gelatin, yogurt and cheese.

Collagen injections.

There are also treatments based on collagen injections, which show effective and immediate results, resulting in smoother skin.

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