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29 de February de 2024Major governments and central banks around the world are working on the development of digital currencies. While the major powers may develop their own, countries that are more independent will have to contract with private companies for their development and adoption. The best CBDC companies. Some companies involved in the blockchain world are starting to offer these services and technologies. They are the following: Circle. It is a US company and a pioneer in the development of stablecoins. In this case, they are the creators of USDC, a version of the digital dollar. They have also created a digital version of the euro, called EURC. Some banks such as Nubank (Brazil) are in joint projects to work with Circle’s digital dollar, with the possible goal of reaching up to 85 million customers in Brazil. Companies like Stripe (one of the largest payment gateways in the world) or Yellow Card (1.4 million users in Africa) are already working with the technological integration of this company. In the case of Yellow Card, it is interesting, because Africans can escape the inflation of their currencies by converting them to USDC in a matter of seconds. Circle plans to go public, so anyone interested in investing in CBDC will be able to do so by simply buying Circle shares. Capitalisation: Approx. $9 billion Headquarters: Boston (USA) Ripple. They are not only a pioneer in the development of digital currencies, but also in the blockchain world in general. The Ripple cryptocurrency (XRP) is called the “Cryptocurrency of the banks” because of its large alliances and banks involved in the development of its technology and services. Governments such as Georgia and the Republic of Palau have joint projects for the creation of CBDCs for their central banks. Ripple has also acquired companies such as Metaco and Standard Custody & Trust. In the case of Metaco, they work with banks such as BBVA, offering them custody services for their cryptoassets. Metaco is based in Switzerland and some of its clients include Societe Generale, BBVA Switzerland, Fidelity Investments and Paxos, among others. It should be noted that Fidelity Investments is one of the largest investment fund and pension plan management companies in the world, so its commercial relationship with this company could lead to the creation of very ambitious projects. Interested in investing in Ripple? Anyone can buy its token (XRP) on the main investment platforms or even from neobanks. Ripple’s good news is often correlated with the price of its token. Capitalisation: $10 billion approx. Headquarters: California (USA) JPMorgan Chase. This bank, which is one of the largest in the world and has been in existence since 1799. It has created its own blockchain network, without relying on third parties. JPM Coin allows the bank’s customers and the bank itself to make faster and cheaper transfers. It is actually a stablecoin, which is linked to the value of the dollar. The name of the JPMorgan Chase blockchain network is Onyx. On its official website, we can also see that one of its objectives is the tokenisation of investment assets. It would not be strange at all if governments decided to create their own CBDCs, they would choose JP Morgan Chase as one of the developers of their projects, as this bank is a pioneer in real use cases, having made more than a billion dollars in transfers with JPM Coin. JPMorgan Chase is listed on the stock exchange and has been doing very well lately. Any individual or company can buy shares in this financial company. Capitalisation: $480 billion approx. Headquarters: New York (USA) Consensys. It is one of the most important companies in the Blockchain world, being the creators and owners of the Metamask technology. When it comes to integrating Web3 solutions into platforms or applications, Consensys’ technology is one of the most secure and widely used. Consensys is participating in CBDC development projects, for example with the Bank for International Settlements or the Mastercard company. In some of these projects, it is working together with Ripple. There is also news from 2022, which talks about its relationship with Visa on similar projects. Consensys does not seem to be looking to be a CBDC-specific company. They seem to be more focused on their web3 technology. However, their business relationships and involvement in CBDC projects mean that they are still present in that branch of the industry. Capitalisation: $3 billion approx. Headquarters: New York (USA) IBM They have not been in the news for several years, but they have filed patents that have been published in 2023, related to CBDC systems. In addition to being one of the most advanced companies in the implementation of Hyperledger Fabric technology and its combination with IBM cloud servers. In 2019, they created their own blockchain project, together with Stellar technology. This allows international transfers to be carried out in a matter of seconds and at lower costs. This service is called IBM Blockchain World Wire, being the main competition of JPM Coin and RippleNet. Some news reports say that more than 40 banks are using this technology to make cross-border transfers. One of IBM’s biggest advantages is that many banks, businesses and governments already use its services as a technology company. So they only have to offer their new blockchain service to entities that have already trusted IBM for years and are satisfied with its services. Capitalisation: $138 billion approx. Headquarters: New York (USA) On their official website it is possible to see that they continue to offer their service to companies that are interested in it. IBM is listed on the stock exchange, so any person or company can invest in this company. What is ISO 20022? This is a financial messaging standard that banks use for transactions. This standard is very recent, because banks are just starting to implement it now. It is based on the XML mark-up language. There are blockchain projects such as Ripple or Stellar, which are members of ISO 20022. Other projects, such as Cardano and Hedera, are also proving to be compatible with this standard. Each bank transfer or transaction will be accompanied by XML tags with the transfer information. This will make it easier to be interpreted by different types of software related to payment processing, computer security, data analysis or Artificial Intelligence, improving security, reducing errors, increasing speed and improving efficiency in the detection of suspicious transfers, with fewer false positives. Within the same transaction, several bank transfers can be made at the same time. Thanks to the use of the tag: <TransactionGroup>. Adoption of ISO 20022 worldwide: Which countries are leading the way in CBDC? Some countries already have their digital currencies at a very advanced stage. They are as follows: China (Yuan Digital) Under the acronym e-CNY, digital yuan is already available and can be paid with digital yuan in China. The digital Yuan is compatible with smart wristbands and hardware, and can be used as a wallet or payment method. It is even possible to pay with digital yuan without electricity. It is also compatible with WeChat, China’s most widely used app. One thing that has been criticised about the Digital Yuan is that it has the ability to “expire”, so that a feature could be added that it has to be consumed until “x” date, in order to increase consumption and make it difficult to save foreign currency. However, this feature is not being rolled out to consumers at the moment. Bahamas (Sand Dollar) It is the first country to officially have a digital currency. It uses Hyperledger Fabric blockchain technology, which is a Linux blockchain project. This technology is also among IBM’s favourites to offer its blockchain services. The Bahamian government has offered incentives to its residents and businesses to use this new payment technology, such as discounts, rebates and rewards. With the facility to make payments by reading QR codes. Sand Dollar’s objectives: faster payment speed, less discrimination (digital wallets for minors or immigrants) and less tax evasion. This CBDC has its own official website called Sanddollar.bs, with all kinds of information and resources. The European Union (Euro Digital) The Central Bank of the European Union is also developing its own CBDC. On the official website of the European Central Bank, there is a lot of information and documentation about this digital currency. The official sources do not publish, for the moment, the type of technology it uses, however it is possible that it uses DLT technology. The implementation of the Digital Euro is being hotly debated and is not clear at the moment. There are claims of detrimental effects on privacy, possible negative effects on the financial industry, and little improvement for lifestyle in general. In other words, the digital euro is not really needed. Other countries that have digital currencies at a very advanced stage: Sweden, Jamaica, Nigeria and Palau. What are the disadvantages of CBDCs? Less privacy: according to most people, this will allow governments to control their citizens’ spending and set spending limits. Although the European Union, for example, argues that it wants its CBDC to maintain a minimum level of privacy, public distrust is real. In the Bahamas, for example, it is possible to create a digital wallet without identification, as long as it does not exceed $500 in savings or $1,500 in spending per month. Expiring money or savings limits: If you want to save, this can be a disadvantage. If the digital wallet has a maximum savings limit, CBDCs could have the possibility of expiring, so as to increase consumption or simply not allow you to save up to certain amounts. Withdrawal limits: if you want to convert from CBDC to cash, there may also be limits or no possibility of doing so. According to governments, this is an advantage for them, as it avoids the emergence of credit crunches. Negative effects on the financial industry: the elimination of intermediaries, such as credit card companies or certain banking services, could lead to financial losses and create thousands of redundancies, leaving workers in the financial sector unemployed. This is one of the biggest disadvantages I see for its adoption, as banking has a lot of power in society and many people make their living from it. They could be hacked: despite the fact that one of the priorities during their creation is that they should be as secure as possible. The fact that they are based on computer systems opens up the possibility of security breaches. Too much power for central banks: having greater power over the money supply, in the wrong hands, can create economic manipulation or abuse of power. Even if well-intentioned, major changes can have too radical an effect. Are they going to replace cash altogether? Whether cash will disappear depends to a greater extent on the type of CBDC used in each country. Some countries will want a hybrid system, while others will want to move to a fully digital system. In the European Union, the European Central Bank argues that it prefers a system in which cash continues to exist. However, at present, there are already limits on cash payments in certain countries, for example in Spain, France and Italy, with very strict limits of, for example, €1,000. With a great deal of discontent among the population. In the United States, certain politicians have promised their voters that with them there will be no CBDC. So, if it is also applied to other countries, it could be the case that this technology will only be used for international payments or for voluntary use. My personal opinion. My opinion regarding investing in CBDCs (This is not a financial advice) is that, being a sector that is still developing, it is possible that it can be very profitable to invest in companies that are already using this type of technology for their own benefit or working on large projects. Such is the case of JPMorgan Chase, which has this technology in a very mature stage or in companies like Ripple, which already have created a large international structure. In addition to seeing this technology as an investor. As a technology professional, it can also be very profitable to master technologies such as Hyperledger Fabric or blockchain technology in general, such as the creation of smart contracts or tokenization of assets. Read this article in Spanish: https://javierfinance.com/es/como-invertir-cbdc/ [...] Read more...
7 de February de 2024When we arrive in the United States, we think about achieving the American dream, however, only the most daring or “crazy” are able to look for personal loans for Hispanics. Even if they are undocumented. Some are able to achieve it and below I will show you the tricks that are currently being used to do so. There are stories of even immigrants who set up their own business in these lands, thanks to this. Required documentation for loans in the USA. Don’t panic when you see the following documentation, you probably don’t have it. In the following paragraphs, I will discuss various alternatives to this. Identity documentation: in any part of the world, this is necessary. Even if it is a passport. To have a bank account: this is easy to obtain, since opening a bank account in the USA is within the reach of many. Without the need to have a residence permit. Payroll receipts: many immigrants do not have this, since they are not working legally. In this case you have to be very careful with deportations and try to convince the financial company to have a bank account with good numbers. Work permit or travel document: only the most fortunate have this and the truth is that it opens many doors. Don’t have all of the above? Don’t worry. Here are the most commonly used tricks. What financial alternatives are available for Hispanics? The best way would be with a private equity firm. However, when immigrants are turned down for that type of financial business. There are still other opportunities, which they may not have thought of yet. Ask for it in the country of origin: this is a very common practice among immigrants from countries all over the world. Some do it out of shame, so as not to confess to their friends or relatives that they are having problems during their emigration. They prefer to borrow from financial institutions in their country of origin. Some finance companies give loans to immigrants, knowing that they are located in other countries, while with other companies, such as banks, it is better for them to think that you are there all year round. Pawnshops: within the private equity lending business, there is a small niche market, which is born in pawnshops and thrift stores. Some of these businesses make money thanks to the clients that are rejected by the banks. We could say that they “scratch” among the leftovers of the financial sector. Accepting clients who are, for example, ludopaths, drug addicts or undocumented immigrants. In special cases, they have even earned millions of dollars, thanks to this. Deferred payments: Companies such as PayPal, banks and international payment platforms offer installment payment services. So if it is a small loan, this option is also worth mentioning. Private moneylenders who are also immigrants: be very careful with this, because it would not be unusual to end up being a client of the same Mafia. There are groups of immigrants of Chinese, Latin American, Indian, etc. origin. They work as private moneylenders for immigrants. If they are of the same nationality as you, it will be easier to get approved or to reach them. Some of them are usually close to gambling parlors or call shops. Be careful, that they do not try to scam you, extort you or similar things and never pay in advance, for the supposed study of the loan. Search for lending companies on Linkedin: as I always say, be very careful with scams and better to meet in person. Certain owners and workers of small financial companies are present in this social network. Also advisors who are dedicated to be intermediaries. Personally, I have seen several who are dedicated to offer mortgages through Linkedin, in a totally legal way. Pawnshops that provide loans. Find them at the following link: NPA – Pawnfinders.com. Some provide loans without explanations about your personal life. The best banks for Hispanics. To have a bank account in the United States, it is not necessary to be a resident. The banks where it is easiest to open an account as a foreigner. They are the following. Zenus Bank. It is one of the easiest for Hispanics to open bank accounts in the USA, even before arriving in the country, it is possible to open an account. They are available for 180 countries around the world and it is not necessary to be a resident, besides, among their favorite customers are Mexicans. They present themselves as the best bank for expatriates. They have been offering this service since 2019, so it is not really an old company, compared to most banks that offer this type of accounts. The CEO of this company is Mushegh Tovmasyan, someone with quite a lot of experience in the world of investments, trading and algorithmics. He has been brave and has taken advantage of the boom in neobanks, which is currently taking place all over the world. When in fact his professional field had been the stock market for twenty years. Payoneer. Here we are already talking about one of the most pioneering companies in the world, in online banking and digital payments. Being a US company, it has always been one of the most likely to offer US bank accounts online. They have been around since 2005 and have been market leaders for many years. In particular, this company is very useful for immigrants who want to have a debit card in the USA, but do not want to do it from the more traditional banks or prefer something more technological. Payoneer customers receive an aba routing number with which they can receive bank transfers from U.S. bank accounts. Then, with the Payoneer debit card, it is possible to make purchases at physical stores or withdraw money at any ATM with international compatibility. Wise. It is the main alternative for immigrants using Western Union or MoneyGram. In addition to offering international bank accounts worldwide, they also specialize in international transfers, with the best currency exchanges available today. It is very difficult to find companies that have such low exchange fees. Even banks use it as an intermediary to be able to offer a competitive service. If you are looking for an international bank account with the lowest commissions, this is probably one of the best companies out there. However, if you are only looking for a U.S. bank account, I don’t think it is the best option. You can receive money by Wire and ACH transfer, from US accounts. However, Wise is not an American neobank. This payment platform is more used by European immigrants looking for high mobility and international compatibility. It is not usually a favorite among Latin Americans. How to make money as a Hispanic? I think the most important thing, is to be living in a state where immigrants are not so discriminated against and once you are there, start looking for work in jobs like the following: Cannabis industry and agriculture: in several states of the USA this plant is legal, so there are Hispanics who are dedicated to the cutting of the buds of these plants, cleaning, maintenance and care of them. There are private entrepreneurs who have large extensions of land. Many of the workers in this sector are undocumented or undocumented immigrants. Fruit packing in general and agriculture also offer job opportunities. Dishwashing and cooking: in states where immigration is less persecuted, such as California, New York or Florida. It is normal for non-face-to-face jobs, as in this example, to have illegal immigrants working in them. Home delivery and odd jobs: there are applications that you can download and see odd jobs, such as helping with a move or cleaning a garden. Many immigrants use these apps to earn extra money or even dedicate themselves to it, while they find something with more hours. Own businesses: mainly home cleaning, repairs and construction. These types of businesses are not usually registered and are usually paid in cash. Construction: Among the best paying jobs for immigrants is the construction sector. In this sector there are many types of specialties and it is possible to earn considerable amounts of money. Even some undocumented immigrants get visas to work in this sector. If they demonstrate experience and skills in specific branches of construction. How to get a work visa? Marriage with resident: it must be demonstrated that economically the national person with whom you are married, is able to “support” your partner. In addition to this, an interview will be conducted to ensure that this marriage is real and not fictitious. There are illegal organizations that are dedicated to this. So it is possible to illegally buy a nationality. If a fake marriage is detected, the penalty can be 5 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. E-2 Visa for entrepreneurs: it is popularly said that the minimum investment or budget of the company must be $50,000. However, there is no exact figure. If, for example, you show that you are going to create jobs in the United States, it will be easier for the project to be approved. It is also advisable to present a business plan. Start an internship: there are schools and universities that provide internships to their students studying in the United States. In this way it is possible to live legally in the USA, without having the nationality. Afterwards, some of them can work in the USA and get a better visa. Although, of course, this has very high costs. Immigration agencies: there is a big business behind all this. Many lawyers have specialized in this and help a lot during the process. Some of these agencies have contacts with personnel placement companies or cultural exchange programs. If you have close relatives, they can also facilitate this. The visa lottery: there is an official government program that randomly grants visas. Approximately 1 in 300 are granted visas. Visas for specialized, agricultural and multinational workers: this is quite complicated to obtain, however, for those who are experts in something very specific, they can be offered work in the United States, legally. Such as truck drivers, health experts in certain areas, experienced construction workers, or tech professionals in certain more specific programming languages, such as in the Blockchain industry. However, don’t lose hope, every year they hire thousands of agricultural workers. How many Hispanics fulfill the American dream? About 1.2 million immigrants enter the United States each year. Of these, 170,000 are deported for being undocumented and more than 800,000 have obtained a job. Depending on the origin, they usually get different jobs and salaries. Take a look at these data: Average salary for Hispanics: $54,000 per year. Average salary for Europeans: $69,000 per year. Average salary for Indians: $89,000 per year. It is amazing the difference between the salaries of Hispanics and Indians. This is due to the fact that Indians enter the workforce with very scientific and technological profiles. Millions of Indians in your country study very complex degrees related to mathematics, science and technology. Some of them achieve very relevant positions, such as the CEO of Google, who was born in India. Hispanic celebrities who achieved the American dream. Cesar Millan: he moved to the USA, with only $100 and in only 8 years, he went from dog trainer to TV celebrity. He came from a poor family and crossed the border irregularly. He was an illegal immigrant. Sofia Vergara: she was a model in Colombia, at the age of 23 she decided to move to Miami to fulfill her dream of working as a model. For a long time she was living with a work visa, until she reached the residency. She is now a world famous actress. Salma Hayek: she arrived in the United States with a tourist visa, which later expired. She began working undocumented, in places such as bars and cleaning companies. She is currently one of the most famous Mexican women in the world. My personal opinion. I think that if you really want to fulfill the American dream and also ask for a loan in the United States, you should not give up and you should inform yourself as much as possible about it, in order not to end up deported. It is also true that it is advisable to have a considerable amount of money first, in order to make everything easier, for example to be able to have a student visa or to pay the costs of the immigration agencies. Then, I would not rule out the possibility of emigrating to another country or working very hard in the United States in the meantime. Read this article in Spanish: Préstamos para indocumentados (USA) – Javierfinance.com [...] Read more...
31 de December de 2023The anti-aging of the skin is a very interesting subject to study. One of the most important vitamins in this regard is vitamin A, which in its active form is called Retinol. However, this vitamin is not alone with respect to aging. Vitamin C is also important, in addition to the role played by certain proteins, hormones and nutrition in general. Why is Rose Hip Oil good? It contains high levels of vitamin A, which helps to reduce the evolution of wrinkles and symptoms of skin aging. In addition to that, it also contains vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant, reducing the levels of free radicals in the skin. What other plants and ingredients contain high levels of vitamin A? Carrot oil, apricot kernel oil, intake of fatty oils from fish, liver, eggs, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, etc. What are antioxidants for? When cells become oxidized, it can cause disease, reduce regeneration and cause aging. Antioxidants help to reduce the oxidation of cells. To achieve this, a diet high in antioxidants or the use of specific supplements can be used. Some antioxidant foods include the following: Red fruits: blueberries and blackberries are among the red fruits with more antioxidants. Blackberries in particular, have very positive effects to reduce cell aging and there are studies that show improvements in the cardiovascular system. Other fruits such as raspberries or black cherries, which also have high levels of antioxidants and vitamin C, should not be forgotten. Fruits with vitamin C: Kiwi, Guava, strawberries, oranges, mangoes, pineapple, papaya, etc. They provide high amounts of this type of vitamin that acts as an antioxidant. Walnuts and almonds: Walnuts contain fatty acids, as well as vitamin E, which also helps reduce cell oxidation. In addition to the above, they are good for the digestive system, which I will talk about in another chapter about it and how it affects longevity. Some vegetables have high levels of antioxidants: broccoli, spinach and kale contain quite a lot of antioxidants and are even used for specific supplements to maximize antioxidant intake. In some countries, broccoli extracts are even used as a way to fight pollution that is breathed or eaten. What is Retinol and how can I supplement with it? It is a form of vitamin A, which has important functions in skin regeneration, vision, the immune system and during pregnancy. The aesthetic companies also market it in synthetic form, however, it is also possible to find it in natural creams that are made with natural oils such as the aforementioned rosehip oil. In addition to retinol creams, it is also possible to supplement with retinol capsules. The price of synthetic retinol creams ranges from $8 to $90, with many of them costing approximately  $20. Foods with Retinol: beef liver is a meat with high levels of vitamin A, as well as cod liver oil and eggs. Does sunbathing age? UVB and UVA rays can damage the skin and negatively affect genetic material. At certain ages, the skin no longer regenerates in the same way, so sunburn can cause wrinkles and skin blemishes, with less chance of repair. We only have to observe how our ancestors used to protect themselves from the sun when they worked in agriculture and livestock farming. People who genetically have darker skin are more resistant to these types of disadvantages of sunbathing. Source: Sun and Skin | The National Institutes of Health (nih.gov). However, in my personal opinion (which is not advice) sunbathing is absolutely necessary, the more days the better, to balance our hormone levels and mood. As long as, however, it is at advisable hours and without overdoing it. Cell regeneration and sleep. Growth hormone and cortisol are closely related to sleep. A good quality of sleep makes the cells regenerate better, because the growth hormone gets a better stimulation. So we could conclude that people who sleep poorly, age in a worse way. The fact of sleeping few hours, also provokes increases of cortisol, which generates greater stress and greater aging. Informing myself in a self-taught way, I have discovered that old jobs such as farmers, teachers or priests, are the ones with the best sleep quality. While those related to transportation such as truck drivers, cab drivers, machinists, etc., sleep worse. They sleep the worst. Telemarketers and firefighters are also on the list of professions with the worst sleep quality. Doctors, nurses and other health care workers who work on call or work excessive hours should not be forgotten either. It is really a bit paradoxical that the same health specialists have very negative habits for it. How to stimulate growth hormone naturally? Sleep well. Do not overdo it with sugar. Practice intermittent fasting. Exercise (better if it is of high intensity). Eat dinner moderately and not too late. Eat eggs, fish and dairy products (yogurt or cheese). What hormones affect skin aging? Estrogens and testosterone: estrogens have been shown to be good for the skin, according to some studies. When women enter menopause and lose a large percentage of them, skin wrinkles appear to a greater extent. Estrogens cause more collagen and elastin to be produced. There are legal supplements to obtain a greater balance of estrogens in women. Regarding testosterone, it can have similar but less noticeable effects. That is why there are facial treatments related to try to preserve more estrogen and testosterone. Growth hormone, also called GH: during aging, these hormones can decrease, causing skin regeneration to be of a lower quality. The result is increased appearance of wrinkles and reduced hydration. Melatonin: this hormone fights aging by scavenging free radicals. In other words, it has antioxidant functions. Some studies argue that a melatonin treatment, from the age of 40, can slow down skin aging. Since from that age onwards, a notable decrease in melatonin is observed. However, the benefits would not be unique in the skin, but also in other factors related to longevity. Warning: some studies also show health disadvantages for the use of melatonin supplementation. Cortisol: high levels of cortisol can hinder skin cell renewal and cause more wrinkles. Since it causes an alteration of neuropeptides. There are several habits, techniques and supplements to reduce cortisol, which I will tell you about below. How to reduce cortisol levels? The ways to lower cortisol are very varied. There are natural ways to lower cortisol and other more “laboratory” ways. In the following list you will see that they are very different from each other. Sleep well: the quality of sleep is essential to have good cortisol levels. Natural supplements: such as Ashwagandha, Rhodiola or green tea can help to level it. However, it is advisable to be aware of the contraindications and not to abuse them. For example, green tea has sometimes made me nervous because of the theine, which is molecularly like caffeine. Avoid toxic relationships and socialize: avoid friends and partners who behave in a toxic way. Having a pet or social support is positive for good cortisol levels. Relaxation techniques: meditation, yoga, massage, breathing techniques or going to spas are ways that can reduce cortisol naturally. Scientific studies show that yoga can reduce cortisol. Outdoor walks, such as mountain or coastal sports, can also improve cortisol levels. Stop eating junk food: food with high levels of sugar or fast food, in addition to causing illness can also cause increases in cortisol. However, foods with magnesium, omega-3 and fiber, can improve cortisol levels in the blood. Such as nuts, legumes or fish, eaten on a regular basis. Cortisol-lowering drugs: ketoconazole or pasireotide are prescribed by some doctors for certain diseases or conditions related to high cortisol levels. Does Aloe Vera really work? It is likely that there is still no scientific evidence that Aloe Vera delays skin aging. However, it contains properties that help to take better care of it, something that never hurts. Generally, it is used for wound healing and to reduce inflammation. Aloe Vera is a plant rich in vitamins, so it is a natural way to apply Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Also folic acid, which helps cell repair. However, some ways of applying it or for some skin types, it can even cause irritation. One way that has worked for me is to use Aloe Vera with Tea Tree instead of Aloe Vera alone. That way I have been able to get more moisturizing properties and it doesn’t leave my skin red. Collagen to prevent skin aging. Collagen is a protein that has important functions in the skin. It is also important for other parts of the body, such as tendons, muscles, blood vessels, intestines, bones and ligaments. With age, collagen production decreases, so the skin loses firmness and more wrinkles appear. Bad habits, such as smoking or alcohol, also negatively affect collagen generation. To date, collagen supplementation has proven to be good for joints and injuries, however, for the skin, experts recommend that it is better to have a diet rich in everything necessary for the formation of these proteins. The collagen supplement with the best reviews is hydrolyzed collagen. According to a study by the University of Valladolid, it is likely to have positive effects in reducing skin aging. Best foods to produce collagen: lean meat, eggs, nuts, gelatin, yogurt and cheese. Collagen injections. There are also treatments based on collagen injections, which show effective and immediate results, resulting in smoother skin. This article in Spanish: https://javierfinance.com/es/parar-envejecimiento-piel/ [...] Read more...
8 de November de 2023Security cameras with Artificial Intelligence are not only used to improve the security of homes or businesses. There are multiple utilities that can be applied to this and they also depend a lot on the creativity of the individual who uses them. For example, they can be used to control the capacity of a nightclub, to detect the use of certain objects, such as weapons or even to identify certain items of clothing. In addition to this, they can also be used for more common things, such as differentiating a person from an animal and thus avoiding a false alarm. Technologies and algorithms used in video surveillance. Before talking about the algorithms used, it should be remembered that this branch is Computer Vision, so when looking for algorithms and techniques, it is advisable to focus on libraries and technologies that are specifically made for Computer Vision. OpenCV: is one of the most famous libraries for image classification. With this library, it is possible to identify types of objects, types of living beings or counting gauges. This library usually uses simpler Machine Learning algorithms than other technologies, so for example, for facial recognition it is more advisable to use more complex libraries and architectures that are not included in the OpenCV package. Tensorflow: this software package already uses advanced neural network algorithms, so it increases the accuracy of facial recognition and identifies situations with greater precision. It should also be noted that it requires more resources and better hardware. DenseNet121: is a convolutional neural network architecture that works very well for image classification. That is, real-time image classification algorithms are used to identify and work with pattern identification. This neural network architecture was invented in 2017, so it is not so old, compared to other algorithms and mathematical calculations. PyTorch: this artificial intelligence library is employed in multiple areas of Artificial Intelligence and one of them is Computer Vision. It is possible to use it to detect anomalies, to track objects in real time or to improve the use of other libraries such as OpenCV, combining them in the same software. As can be seen, most of the popular AI libraries are usually the same as those used in other branches, except OpenCV and some others. This shows that there is still much to be developed in this branch of AI, so that in the future there will be much more specific libraries. How to put Artificial Intelligence to an old installation? It is not necessary to change the entire installation to be able to use AI in a video surveillance system, however, it is possible that some low resolution cameras may not be able to apply it as accurately or that a computer with a high graphics power and RAM memory is needed to process the video and sound coming from those cameras. Below is a list of AI programs that can be used in video surveillance systems. AI software for video surveillance installations. Veesion. This software is capable of detecting thefts in supermarkets, thanks to Artificial Intelligence. Every month they detect more than 100,000 theft attempts and work with companies such as Carrefour or Suma. Besides being able to be used in common stores, it is also useful for pharmacies, where there are high-cost products. They have conducted studies and have concluded that it can prevent up to 60% of thefts. AcuSense. This Hikvision software is specially made to avoid false alarms, however it also has other functions such as setting perimeters or sending images to mobile devices, at the time of the detected anomaly. It uses Deep Learning for its operation. Scati. It is a software that is able to manage capacity, queues, prevent theft and more use cases, thanks to the use of the implementation of AI in video surveillance systems. For example, they offer their services to hotels, arcades and banks. This is just one example, as they have solutions for many types of businesses. The best security camera companies. If we base on market share, the best security camera brands are the following. Since they have a higher number of sales and a greater diversity to choose from. Especially if you are looking for special features, such as the incorporation of object detection or artificial intelligence techniques. Axis Communications. This company is based in Sweden and is very popular, offering applications for its security cameras with functions such as facial recognition, moving object detection, audio analysis or behavioral analysis. As far as audio analysis is concerned, many people may not have realized that audio is another option to work with, for example when hearing gunshots or screams. Regarding interesting information about this company, we can highlight that they have more than 4,000 employees, that it is the favorite brand of many governments and security forces, and that it belongs to Canon Group, so it now belongs to a Japanese company, which by the way, is listed on the stock exchange. Hikvision. Hikvision uses Deep Learning algorithms to apply AI to video surveillance. For example, it is able to detect cats and not set off alarms. It also differentiates the different areas in which a human is located and can trigger warnings when they approach a certain monitored area, for example, if a child approaches a dangerous place. A real-world example that Hikvision has employed, is using Deep Learning in a housing estate in South Africa. Due to increased violence and the fact that it is a luxury housing estate, it monitors in real time, even during the night, if any intruders are approaching the premises. So they have achieved greater efficiency and savings than with a conventional system. Hikvision is the company with the world’s largest market share in the security camera sector and is headquartered in China, as well as being listed on the stock market. However, being a Chinese company, special care must be taken with currency exchange and its variation. Bosch Security Systems. Bosch is a German company that also has a fairly sizable market share and is also applying Artificial Intelligence in its security cameras. Some of the real use cases they are applying are: safer railway crossings, fire detection by camera, detection of emergency exit blockages, detection of badly parked cars, detection of abandoned objects, people monitoring, traffic monitoring and many more uses, which you can see in their official website, see real examples of AI with cameras. They call this technology Video Analytics and it is already integrated in many of their systems. This company has been working since 1886, being one of the most relevant companies in the European Union, offering its development in branches such as the energy, railway, industrial, security and mobility industries. They are even involved in blockchain projects as well. Dahua Technology. This Chinese company, is the second largest in the world, when it comes to video surveillance. Regarding Artificial Intelligence, they are using it in their “WizSense” technology service which is able to do facial recognition, monitor perimeters, such as that children do not pass into a dangerous area like a swimming pool or participants of a party, into a restricted area. It also ensures that humans are not mistaken for objects or animals. In addition to improving the quality of the image, to provide security during the night. Something very interesting about this company is that they sell a product to open doors with facial recognition or access to certain areas. It is a kind of small screen that is attached to a wall or door, with a small camera and keyboard. Another interesting product is their drones with Artificial Intelligence, which can also be used for surveillance. Panasonic. The famous Japanese company, Panasonic, has effectively specialized in offering AI in its security cameras. They offer multiple uses, some of them are: security for museums, for example that attendees do not touch the works of art; occupancy detection in rooms and stores; detection of violations on the road and vehicle detection; detection of door locking, also facial detection accurately. Deep Learning algorithms are used for all these functions. Something to note about Panasonic, is that they offer a very high manufacturing quality, like most Japanese companies and also noteworthy, that high resolution lenses are used, as it is a brand that owns patents and pioneer in the audiovisual sector. They are also applying Artificial Intelligence in engineering, as with the TOUGHBOOK device, which will be able to use AI software, to streamline and improve the safety of the work of engineers in the civil engineering sector. Xiaomi. This company is applying AI in cameras in a more original or different way, as it markets small security cameras, intended for domestic areas, that use AI algorithms for functions such as voice recognition or notifications based on camera records, such as gestures or object detection. They are also marketing devices that can be connected to video surveillance cameras, such as door locks that send signals to the camera and storage of anomalous events in cloud servers, so that those videos cannot be physically erased, thus preventing hard drive theft or provoked disappearances. As you can see, Xiaomi is revolutionizing technology in several industries at once and also in an original and cutting-edge way. Apply creativity to increase use cases. As you can see in many of the examples above, creativity is essential to be able to make this technology useful, so if you are a creative person you can also create very profitable programs for future customers or specialize in a particular use case. Some examples of very creative uses: Detecting weapons: this could be very effective in combating terrorism by governments or preventing robberies where a high level of violence is used. Thus achieving a safer society thanks Artificial Intelligence. Avoid robberies at ATMs: banks can analyze strange behaviors, thanks to the use of this type of programs. Detect infidelity: it is not a very ethical way, however for domestic use, it would not be unreasonable for someone to use the people counting function to count more than one adult person in the same room, such as the bedroom. Prevent drug trafficking: with cameras that analyze anomalous behavior in certain places. Preventing criminals from approaching schools and kindergartens: thanks to facial recognition, this could be possible. Preventing accidents: stopping a train when it receives an alarm that someone has jumped onto the tracks. Do you have any original ideas? Leave a comment. My personal opinion. I think it is an excellent branch to specialize in and also, unfortunately, it is possible that some governments use it to restrict the freedoms of citizens. However, with good laws that protect people’s privacy, it is possible that thanks to this technology many crimes, accidents and antisocial behaviors can be avoided. [...] Read more...
25 de October de 2023Studying a Bachelor’s Degree in finance can give you many opportunities to end up working as a financial analyst, financial advisor or stockbroker. There are also alternatives, however, this usually has a high employability rate. The other alternatives can be the study of statistics, mathematics or business intelligence. List of the best universities for the financial industry. Some of the best universities to study this degree are the following. University of Pennsylvania (USA) It is located in Philadelphia, and the admissions to enter this university are quite demanding. You have to pass rigorous academic-level tests to study at this university. This university has an employment rate of over 90% according to various studies. Financial studies at this university are offered by the Wharton School, which is also part of the University of Pennsylvania. In the Bachelor’s Degree in Finance at this university, you will study subjects that are very useful for stockbrokers or financial analysts, such as Investment Management, Data Science for Finance or International Banking. Approximate price: $75,000 – $115,000 Student Capacity of Wharton School: 2,600 students for undergraduate, 1780 students for MBA and 199 students for Ph.D. The number of applications is much higher than the number of admissions. University of London School of Economics (England) This university has a great reputation in Europe. In addition to the typical training, it also offers online certificates that can be obtained in several weeks, such as Data Analytics for Management or MBA Essentials, among many others. One of the major advantages of this university is that is very focused on international training. Some of the undergraduate programs they offer have an employability rate higher than 95%. For example, the BSc Mathematics with Economics. Being a business-focused university, there are not only two training programs in the financial sector, but they are divided into different specific areas such as account management studies, financial studies, economics studies, MBA and several variants of the previous categories. Approximate price: $10,000 – $25,000 per year. Student Capacity: approximately 11,000 students. University of Massachusetts (USA) According to QS World University Ranking, it is the best university in the world. This prestigious university has a separate school for this type of studies. The school is called “MIT Management Sloan School“. Some of the undergraduate studies that can be highlighted in the area of business are: Business Analytics, Management and Finance. In this university it is necessary to pass an admission process and they reject more than 60% of applications. It is also interesting to know that they offer Boot Camp training and executive programs. Approximate price: $55,000 per year (MIT Management Sloan School). Student Capacity: approximately 11,200 students. Some importante people that studied in MIT University: Benjamin Netanyahu the current minister of Israel or John W Thompson, the chairman of Microsoft. HEC Paris (France) It’s a famous business school From France that offers Bachelor’s Programs for Finance, MBA programs, School Summer, Ph.D. programs and executive courses. It is one of the best business schools in Europe (It is ranked 3). Some of the companies in which the students of this school end up working are BNP PARIBAS, Pwc, Capgemini, Louis Vuitton, etc. HEC Paris has exclusive partners and agreements with these companies and some others. Salaries in France are quite decent and it is worth studying in a prestigious school. They also have exclusive departments for pitching student business ideas and special events. Approximate price: $22,000 per year (Bachelor’s in Financial market and Technologies) Student Capacity: approximately 4,500 students for degree programs. University of Oxford (England) This university has a multitude of programs related to economics and finance. It has approximately 10-15 different training programs. Some are very specific such as Mathematic and Computational Finance, and others more general, such as the “Degree in Finance” with a three-year duration. It is generally to pass various admission tests to study at this university. It is currently ranked third in the QS World University Rankings. Approximate price of an undergraduate programs: $11,000 for UK students and higher prices for international students. Student Capacity: more than 20,000 approx. Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) Nanyang Technological University, located in Singapore, will seem strange to many that I have put it on this list. However, this country is one of the fastest growing in the financial sector and is probably one of the universities where some of the highest-paid financial analysts in the world are enrolled. They have a master’s degree in Blockchain so we can consider it a fairly modern university. Some of the subjects of the master are cybersecurity for smart contracts, token economics or application development with blockchain technology. Approximate price: from $8,000 for local people and over $30,000 for international students. Student Capacity: more than 30,000 students approx. The University of Sydney (Australia) It is not a university that is only focused on finance, as there are also educational programs on law, engineering, science, arts and other things. However, it is a good university to study business and economics. One of the most demanded studies in the area of finance is the Bachelor’s of Economics, which lasts 3 years and with which you can aspire to jobs related to banking or financial management. Australia is still a very powerful country economically, so we do not forget that here there are also job opportunities in all types of industries and with very competitive salaries. Approximate price: $43,500 – $58,500 per year. Student Capacity: more than 70,000 approx. The salary range for a financial advisor in Australia is $56,000 to $82,000 with an average of approximately $71,000 per year. University of St. Gallen (Switzerland) As most of us know, Switzerland is a country with a very good reputation for finance and security of its entities. In this country it is the order of the day to study a combination of economics and law, however, it is also possible to study a Bachelor’s degree in economics. As far as MBA studies are concerned, more than 92% of the students of these programs manage to enter the labor market. Something very interesting about this university is that they also have training in Real Estate for executives. It is also in the ranking of the best universities in Europe. Approximate price: $7.000 per year (Bachelor’s in economics) Student Capacity: more than 9,000 students approx. Financial Advisor Salary in Switzerland: $115,589.40 – $216,197.40. As you can see, the salary of a financial advisor in Switzerland is much higher than in other countries and a high standard of living can be aspired to. Berkeley Univesity (USA) It is one of the most famous universities in the world and is one of the most recommended options for future Business Managers. It is also the cradle of many successful entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. As far as business and economics studies are concerned, they have a specific school called Haas School of Business with a large number of very specific programs with a worldwide reputation. Having studied at this university gives more status to a person’s educational record. Approximate price: $45,000-$57,000 per year (BS. Business Administration) Student Capacity: more than 45,000 students approx. ESADE Business School (Spain) ESADE is the most prestigious business school in Spain. International students who wish to experience the pleasant Spanish climate and immerse themselves in the lively culture of Barcelona often choose this business school as one of their preferred destinations. Despite being in Spain, the university offers programs taught entirely in English, enabling students to connect with individuals from all over the world. For students looking to make new friends and enjoy the vibrant social scene, it’s one of the top choices. Approximate price: $20,000 per year. Student Capacity: more than 7,000 students approx. Financial Analyst Salaries by Country (Chart) ¿Can I work in the Stock Markets without a Bachelor’s Degree? Working in the stock markets without a university education is more difficult. However, this does not mean that it is impossible, as there are some alternatives. Start in software: by studying a Boot Camp in e.g. Data Science or technical studies in software development, there is a chance to end up working in finance companies and work your way up in the future. Prop trading firms: some private equity firms and large investors look for profitable traders to manage certain amounts of money for them and take a commission for it. Working as a salesperson: It is possible to start in this sector as a salesperson to attract clients who want to diversify their savings or start investing in the stock market. Some of these salespeople start by convincing friends and family, but others also set up physical offices, blogs, YouTube channels or buy advertising in various ways. Working as a teacher or publishing books: thanks to the internet, many people without a university education can give classes related to the financial markets, for example from training platforms, telegram or Youtube channels. Publishing books about the industry is also another option to start making a name for yourself in the industry. What are the best Bachelor’s Degrees to work in the stock markets? Bachelor’s in Economics: these generally offer a very broad education in economics in general and are a good way to get an introduction to working in companies related to investment funds or banking. Bachelor’s in Mathematics and Computational Finance: many investments are automated or take into account various algorithms and analyses, so this Bachelor’s is a very good idea if you want to work in the financial markets. Some Bachelor’s degrees in mathematics or statistics: these are also valid in certain departments of companies that deal with the stock market and are also very useful for working as an investor. Bachelor’s degrees in business administration or accounting: these provide a basis in having sufficient knowledge to value companies and know their finances in depth. It is also a good way to enter a company in the sector as an intern. Bachelor’s in Data Science: you learn about many technologies and subjects in different categories that are often very effective when it comes to investing in the stock market. You learn mathematics, statistics and software development, which gives you a well-rounded profile for working in the financial industry. Bachelor’s in Business Intelligence: business analytics and the use of various Big Data tools can also be very useful when working as a financial analyst or in companies in the stock markets. My personal opinion. I think that choosing a good university or business school is very important to feel fulfilled and to really learn. Some schools have very outdated content and can cause students to be disappointed, so it is important to seek real opinions. I think internship work is very relevant to a person’s future and sometimes it depends more on luck than anything else. That is why it is better to look for schools that have partnerships with big companies. Regarding working in the financial sector, I believe it is a highly profitable industry with significant potential for further evolution. It appears poised to create numerous job opportunities in the future. [...] Read more...
5 de October de 2023Buying gold from the European Union or Switzerland is very common among investors fleeing from possible scams or looking for special certifications that provide greater security. List of the most famous European gold coins Enjoy the following list and protect your savings from inflation. Iberian Lynx (Spanish gold coin) Country of manufacture: Spain. Purity: 24 carat (99% gold) Weight: 1 ounce The Iberian lynx coin is one of the most popular in Europe and also in the world. Many small savers start with these coins. This coin was issued in 2021 and is still heavily traded today by speculators around the world. The date of issue corresponds to the end of a health pandemic, so small investors who expected future inflation were smart to protect themselves with this type of coin, accessible to many people, compared to heavier bullion. Sovereign (British gold coin) Country of manufacture: United Kingdom. Purity: .9167 Weight: 0.2354 oz gold This coin has been produced from 1817 to the present. The British people are serious about saving in gold. Britain is now one of the world’s powerhouses in the gold investment industry. No wonder they have one of the best gold coins in Europe. Almost all coins of this model are issued by The Royal Mint. This gives a very high level of security to the buyer. Some of these models may also have an added collector’s value. However, it is best to buy for their weight and purity value. Vreneli or Goldvreneli (Swiss Gold Coin) Country of manufacture: Switzerland. Purity: 900 gold Weight: 0.1867 oz gold. Lighter in weight than the previous gold coins, it can be a good option for those who want to invest smaller amounts of money. The guarantee of being manufactured by one of the most reliable countries means that is bought by people all over the world (Gold coin issued by Swissmint) An interesting thing about gold savings in Switzerland is that many people rent remote safes so that they can store their gold without having collected it at home. If you want a coin that you can sell quickly, this is one of the best options. Napoleon Gold Coin (French Rooster) Country of manufacture: France. Purity: 900 gold Weight: 0.187 oz gold. When we talk about the French Gold coins, we are not talking about just one coin. There are different models of French gold coins, with different weights and sizes. One of the most affordable is the one that weighs 0.0933 oz, while there are others more expensive such as the 20 French Francs with a weight of 0.22 oz. Another very famous French gold coin is the Franc Louis Philippe, which usually has a slightly higher price. Vienna Philharmonic Gold Coin (Austrian) Country of manufacture: Austria. Purity: .900 Weight: 1/25  to 1 ounce They can be a favorite of novice investors and those with less capital, as some are very light in weight, allowing investment in a little as 1/25 ounces. However, they are also available in various weights up to full-ounce gold coins. This is not the only popular European coin to come from Austria, the Ducat Gold is also well known to investors looking for coins internationally. Which certificates guarantee the originality of the gold? Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC) This certifying company was founded in 1987 and is one of the most credible in the field of gold and silver coins. If you want to buy coins it is advisable that they have this certificate to avoid scams and to be able to sell them faster. Coins that have this certificate have a number that identifies them and can be consulted in an official database. It can also be used to measure the degree of conservation. PCGS It is one of the most respected certificates in the world when it comes to certifying the originality of coins and banknotes. This company is American and has been in existence since 1985. Many online shops, especially American ones, use this certificate.   LBMA Authorization. This stands for the London Bullion Market Association. Creator of a set of standards for gold manufacturers, banks, miners and gold shops. This association has been in existence since 1987 and is one of the most important in the gold market. On the official website of this association, you can access the list of shops that have this accreditation. You are less likely to be ripped off in a shop with this accreditation. Issuer and manufacturer certificates. This confidence in official government mints and reputable private companies can also help when buying genuine gold. The Royal Mint: it is a British government entity and is over a thousand years old. It is possible to buy bullion and coins issued by them. PAMP: is a Swiss company with a worldwide reputation and a favorite among gold buyers and sellers. The fact that the gold bar is manufactured by this company represents quality. Manufactured By Banks: some banks are also producers of gold bullion and this can offer greater security to the buyer, such as Bank of Montreal. What is the best company to send gold internationally? Fedex: has special insurance for shipments of gold or high-value jewellery. In addition to being one of the fastest courier companies in the world. Royal Mail: as there are some British companies which are leading the way in online gold sales, the Royal Mail Company is also one of the most used by gold buyers. Remember that it is important to know how much money the shipping insurance covers for you. Rare gold coins with extravagant designs (Gallery) Here are some rare gold coins which are quite strinking in their design and also in their history. Marcus Aurelius Gold coin (Photo) Despite being a rare currency it is possible to buy it in online shops and on eBay. Its price could be considered high and it is older than 150 years BC. Marcus Aurelius is one of Rome’s most famous emperors and also considered one of the greatest philosophers, especially of the Stoicism branch. Gold Lunar Year of The Snake This Australian coin is from 2013 and its price could be considered normal for its weight. The design is quite striking and that is why it has been decided to put it on this list of rare or extravagant gold coins. Old gold coin  – Gold Mohur of Nur al-Din  – Zodiac Series This Indian coin was manufactured in approximately 1600, so it could be considered a very old coin and of high collector value. Its last price was $375,000 and it is very difficult to obtain. Its origin is from India, specifically the Mughal Empire. Nur al-Din Muhammad Jahangir. More info: Mughal Empire. Nur al-Din Muhammad Jahangir. AH 1014-1037  Old Egypt gold coin – Berenice II This Egyptian coin originates from more than 200 years B.C., so it could be considered a very valuable collector’s coin. It weighs 21 grams and was minted using the hammer technique. Its gold version is very difficult or impossible to find for sale. Gold Zodiac Mohur, Cancer the Crab This coin from the Mongol Empire of approximately 1605-28 has a market value of over 300,000 US dollars. It was sold in New York and has a rather peculiar design. This coin is unique and therefore has a high collector value. [...] Read more...

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🧈Combating inflation: The best european gold coins.  A list of the most demanded gold coins by investors around the world and information on certificates of originality.